Relieve your blepharitis symptoms. Discover treatment options that help to reduce the discomfort and side effects of living with this chronic condition.
Moore Eye Institute’s Dr. An Vo is an expert blepharitis specialist who help patients find relief from this ongoing eye condition.
What is Blepharitis?
Blepharitis is a chronic inflammation of the eyelids caused by the continuous buildup of debris and overgrowth of normal bacteria that live along the base of the lashes.
Since the eyelids are difficult to clean, this overgrowth of bacteria, scurf, and debris can accumulate over many years. This chronic inflammation can cause significant damage to the eyelid and tear glands leading to visually significant ocular surface disease.
If you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from blepharitis.
Signs & Symptoms:

- Redness of the eyelids
- Flaking of the skin on the lids
- Crusting at the lid margins, generally worse upon waking
- Cysts at the lid margin
- Red eye
- Gritty sensation
- Reduced vision
- Itchiness
Blepharitis does not generally cause vision problems, although debris in tears may blur vision. Blepharitis resulting from allergies may cause darkened eyelids, referred to as an “allergic shiner,” but this is most common in children. It may also cause eyelid matting.
Treatment & Management
The best way to manage Blepharitis is with thorough lid hygiene. All makeup should be removed daily, and baby shampoo should be massaged into the eyelids and lashes while showering. Additionally, over the counter foams and lid scrubs are effective.
Warm compresses can also be used to treat mild Blepharitis. Put a half-cup of dry, uncooked rice in a cotton sock, microwave for 30 seconds, and then apply to closed eyes for 10 minutes.
Dietary supplements, like Omega-3 fish oil, also ease the condition. In advanced cases, topical ointments and antibiotics may be prescribed.